Do you ever feel like you believe in a bunch of worthy causes, follow those movements, subscribe to their newsletters, and once in awhile sign petitions to tell your local or national politicians how you feel? Well, a lot of people do (including my mom). But who wants to get five e-mails a week from the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council,, the Wilderness Society, the Sierra Club, and the list goes on?? Even the most ardent environmentalist probably doesn't have the time to read each letter, learn up on each issue, sign a petition or donate to each cause.
What if there were one Web site that streamlined these groups according to one's concerns and sympathies? You want to see about the bills out there affecting endangered species, so click on the Wildlife section of our Web site: we've aggregated all of initiatives by interest groups, legislation in the government, and current events going on with polar bears or picas. Or, you're more interested in carbon, renewables, so click on Energy: see the national policies, bills, and global goings-on with "clean" coal, nuclear, etc. So we help you be an activist by doing the legwork.
There are so many environmental groups and non-profits dedicated to spreading awareness, but the issues are spread out across a wide spectrum of organizations. We would bring them all together (and analyze, possibly) and be a one-stop shop for concerned citizens to come, show support and direct their signatures or donations to whichever causes they choose.
This would be less original content-driven and more of a gateway for users who are in some way, some form, interested in the environment but are tired of keeping up with so many valuable groups independently (not to mention sick of the ad campaigns.) It's a super practical idea that hasn't been done a thousand times, wouldn't require originating a ton of content, and would be all about the design, structure and usability of the site. - Molly
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